Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

Timothy Mulcahy was born some time around 1784 in the parish of Caherconlish in Co. Limerick.  According to the history passed down through the family the Mulcahys migrated from Caherconlish to Emly in Co. Tipperary at the beginning of the nineteenth century.  The Slattery family also migrated at the same time from Caherconlish to Emly.

Timothy married Mary Slattery (c.1794-1863) in Emly church on 24th February 1813.  The couple had seven children that we are aware of; Thomas (c. 1813/1814-?), Michael (1817-?), Bridget (1820-1879), Margaret (Peggy) (1822-1913), William (1825-?), John (1827-1913), Patrick (Patsy) (1831-?).

Timothy's wife died on 8th January 1863 in the townland of Clashdrumsmith, near Emly, Co. Tipperary.  Timothy died on 7th April 1870 at Clashdrumsmith.  The couple are buried in graveyard of St Ailbe's Church in Emly in the Mulcahy family plot.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1784 (circa)
Date of Death 7th Apr 1870 VIEW SOURCE

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