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Dear All


Regarding: LAVELLE 


This is as much me sharing my info with Lavelle descendants as it is a general plea-  to anyone who can corroborate my information or, indeed, to those who may know a whole lot more than me.



My g g grandfather was called James Lavelle b.1854 (approx) in Co. Mayo.

He left Co. Mayo and moved to Paisley, Scotland where he married a Mary Welsh b.1858. Mary Welsh’s parents were Edward Welsh and Bridget Mangan and they were from Mayo too.

A couple of things I picked up about James Lavelle b.1854… Firstly from the 1891 Census of Scotland he had a brother living with him called John Lavelle (born approximately 1873)  

Secondly I know from his 1935 death certificate, that James Lavelle’s parents were Thomas Lavelle and Kate Lavelle (maiden name cited as Lavelle) – recorded as farm labourers.

I am the great grandson of their first child Michael Mathew Lavelle (b.1879) who himself moved to Manchester around 1910.

Their second child was James Lavelle b.1887 who moved to Cleveland, Ohio and married Anna Forry (from Mayo)



So assuming James (b.1854) and John b.1873) really were brothers I searched on and found a John Lavelle born in 1873 to a Thomas and Kate Lavelle in Dooagh, Achill Island, Co. Mayo.

Using that information I found two other brothers: Pat Lavelle b.1865 Thomas Lavelle b.1870.

As civil registration didn’t become mandatory until 1864, I cannot find anything relating to James Lavelle’s birth in or around 1854. Nothing I can see on the recently published Catholic Parish records, which of course are not exhaustive.


Any Lavelle’s out there who trace back to a Thomas and Kate Lavelle?

Share the love!






Edward T Lavell Jordan

Wednesday 27th Apr 2016, 03:14PM

Message Board Replies

  • Ed:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I will make sure our Achill parish liaison knows about your message. Here is the link to the RC parish register for Achill. Records do not start until 1867.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 27th Apr 2016, 03:49PM
  • Hi Roger,

    Thank you so much...


    Edward T Lavell Jordan

    Wednesday 27th Apr 2016, 08:15PM

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