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my husband Tim Herlihy and I will be visiting Ireland (second time) in April from Australia, and in Ballyvourney on 25th and 26th April 2016. We will meet a cousin of my husband Pat Herlihy, who will come over from England to meet us, who last year published a book about Ballyvouney, called 'Ballyvourney 3501'.  If interested in learning more you can contact Pat on

A copy was donated to the Ballyvourney school.

In Chapter 15 Pat talks generally about the forces leading our Herlihys to leave Ballyvourney for Duhallow/Nohaval/Knocknagree. At the end of the book (Chapter 16) he briefly illustrates what he is talking about using our family of Herlihys, who moved from Kocknagree out into the wider world at the end of the nineteenth century. When I read that it seemed to link with a post I had read here on the noticeboard, but blowed if I can find it now!

So I'll list some of the family names he mentions in case you think you might be related and want to chase a copy of the book. 

Herlihy, Kelleher, (Coltzman), Clare (New York), Collins (Rathmore), Moynihan, William Herlihy to America (married Joanna Burns - a son FJ Herlihy with brothers ran 'Herlihy Mid-Continent' construction company, which built Upper and Lower Wacker Drive of 'Blues Brothers' fame! Lived in Chicago), Jeremiah to Chicago, Pat to New Zealand, James to London (our lot), Humphrey to India, John to death in the Boer War, South Africa, Catherine to America.Kelleher again, Washington State (William). My husband's g-grandfather James Herlihy married an O'Leary, who was elected Mayor of Deptford London but was not put in office because she refused to enter an Anglican Church to be sworn in.

This my first post here so I don't know if I can give my email address - happy to if it's OK.  But I'll be travelling soon - you might not catch me til June sometime!

Paula Herlihy

Friday 4th Mar 2016, 11:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • Paula:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    You can enter Herlihy in the search bar on the main message board and it will show all messages with Herlihy connections. possibly you will find the message you saw before.

    Have a great time on your trip!

    Roger McDonnell

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 5th Mar 2016, 12:22AM
  • Gt grandfather Michael Herlihy born abt 1850 went to New York abt 1870 married Louisa Kelly from England in NY in 1873.  I am interested in finding Michael's parents who were listed as Thomas Herlihy and Julia on his death certificate in 1929. Julia the mother had lived with Michael for a time in the 1880 US Federal census and her age was listed as 70 yrs old which would make her birth about 1810 in Ireland.  I am certain that Michael must have had siblings as he had 8 children with Louisa. Any help would be appreciated.  Regards Bob Hazel


    Bob H

    Tuesday 30th Aug 2016, 03:48PM
  • Bob:

    How about the record below? Can you confirm Kelleher as Julia's maiden name?

    Roger McDonnell

    Area - CORK & ROSS (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - CORK - SOUTH PARISH

    Baptism of MICHL HERLIHY of N/R on 4 July 1852


    Further details in the record

    Sponsor 1PAT BRIENSponsor 2MARY HEFFERNANRecorded Parochial AreaSOUTH PARISH, CORK

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 31st Aug 2016, 05:34PM
  • Roger..not sure why my answer to you wasn't posted but I will try again.  I had tentatively entered Julia with the Kelleher maiden name a few years ago citing that particular baptismal that you also had referenced.  I am not 100% certain of that name but it does appear to be the one.  On my ancestry cite a new name had surfaced thru that being a Cornelius Herlihy whose death certificate also cited Thomas and Julia as being his parents. I included Cornelius as his birth was within the range of Michael' well as being in New York at the same time.  I have added on my site, Herlihy,Tancred,Hazel,Keogh a lot of Herlihys related to Julia and Thomas scattered thru out the US.  Please review the site and comment.  Regards B.Hazel

    Bob H

    Thursday 1st Sep 2016, 03:25PM
  • Roger...some new info. I believe that Julia Keleher Herlihy 2nd gt grandmother  died in NYC on 4 Dec 1893 and was buried on 7 Dec 1893 in Calvary Cemetery in Queens NY. Her death certificate spelled her name as Hirlihy but her death address showed Hamilton street which was very near Cornelius Herlihy's address..her oldest son. On her death certificate her parents were mentioned as being Julia Keleher and male Keleher.  Having been at this for a number of years whomever supplied the parents of Julia may have been a direct descendent and not really have known the parents true names. It gets curiouser and curiouser. Family search has Julia's birth as 1813 in Ireland and the City of New York as 1823.  Both sons Cornelius b 1848 and Michael b 1852 on their NYC death certificates have Julia and Thomas Herlihy as parents.  Both sons baptisms indicate Cork Ross as their home.

    Bob H

    Thursday 26th Oct 2017, 11:37PM
  • Bob:

    Thanks for the update.



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 27th Oct 2017, 05:30PM

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