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In 2007 my husband and I visited Maguiresbridge and found the grave of his ancestor Rutherford Porteus in the cemetery of Christ Church.  I have been looking to find records for that church which now is satilite of the church  in Lisnaskea.  I have written to them and received no reply.  There seem to be no records for that parish online.  I would like to visit again and actually restore the surround for the grave which is in disrepair.  Any help would be appreciated   Barbara


Thursday 28th Jul 2016, 03:01PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Barbara

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I phoned Rev. Alan in Lisnaskea and spoke to his wife who said that any work on the grave would have to be approved first by the rector and the senior people in the vestry. This would need to include a written proposal as to what you want to do including the dimensions and any writing on the headstone etc. The RCB Library in Dublin will have custody of the records though not all are yet online. 

    Hope this helps

    All the best

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 28th Jul 2016, 03:51PM
  • Barbara,

    I recently had a gravestone cleaned up in Lisnaskea. I used Noel Robinson (undertaker) who in addition to undertaking the remedial work, also did the paperwork with the select vestry and the Minister, so relieving us of that bother.

    Noel can be contacted on 0044 7436530975.




    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 3rd Aug 2016, 05:30PM
  • Great Elwyn thanks



    Thursday 4th Aug 2016, 02:26PM
  • Thank you Clair and Elwyn for your replys  I would like to visit Ireland again and it would probably not be til next spring.  While I am there I would like to do something with the grave.  It is a rather large grave right next to the church door, a place of prominence.  There is only a large surround with a placque with just the name of Rutherford, no headstone.  I would like to know if his wife Charlotte Dunn Porteus and 2 daughters(spinsters)Catharine & Eliza Jane are also buried there.  There are no records online yet for that parish and I am hopeful there will be in the near future.  Thank you again, Barbara


    Thursday 4th Aug 2016, 02:47PM
  • Bonnie,

    Linda Swindle has been e-mailing you regarding your visit to Maguiresbridge in June. She wonders if you have received her e-mails? This is her latest message:


    Hi Bonnie 


    I did reply previously to you.  When I get a chance to check my laptop I'll see if I can resend it. From memory your ancestors lived at Gledston House, Maguiresbridge.  It is still lived in. 


    I should be able to meet with you on 27th June. I live in the village. Can you remind me a few days before? 






    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 19th May 2017, 08:10PM

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