Alice Collum's possible birth year about 1804. This is estimated from her age stated in the US census 1860 & 1870 for Vinton County, Ohio. She married Edward McFadden who is also estimated to have been born about 1804. They likely lived in Falcarragh, Donegal and were Roman Catholic.
They had four children born in Ireland:
Margaret birth date unknown. She married Manus Ferry possibly in Ireland or Ohio, USA.
John born about 1842, died in US Civil War in 1863.
Dennis born about 1844. He may have been born in Cloughaneely, Co. Donegal.
Charles born most likely in the late 1830s to early 1840s. According to testimony in John's Civil War pension application, he left before the start of the war heading toward Utah. He was never heard from again.
At some point they all immigrated to the US and settled in Ohio just before Ireland began keeping many records. It is believed Margaret and her husband Manus Ferry came first then the others arrived after but I have no evidence of this. Edward, Alice, John and Dennis first appearance in the historical record is the 1860 US Census in Ohio.
One family story suggests that during the potato famine John and Dennis left Ireland together as part of program by Donegal called "Free Emigration" where children between the ages of 12 and 13 were able to go to America if someone there was able to sign for them. I've not found anything that verifies such a program ever existed.
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Date of Birth | 1st Jan 1804 (circa) | |
Date of Death | 17th Jan 1886 |