Andrew Fitzgerald 1820

Andrew Fitzgerald 1820

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

Andrew's exact birthdate is actually a mystery. He gave a different date of birth on every paper he filled out. We know that he was baptized in June of 1820 in Macroom. His father was Andrew Fitzgerald and his mother was Margaret Callahan. Griffiths has the Fitzgeralds living and farming in the townland of Montmassey on the old Montmassy Road.  I believe Andrew's emigration happened in 1850 but I can't find him for sure on passenger lists. His brother Michael may have emigrated with him. He had at least 5 siblings. In Charlestown, Massachusetts he married Catherine Fitzgerald who had emigrated from Cork city. He worked all his life as a teamster in Boston, produced 4 living children, but only my branch produced descendants.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jun 1820 (circa)
Date of Death 4th Nov 1896

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