Place of migration
Migrated to New York/Born in Ireland

Anne was born 4 June 1865 in Balroe Townland, Ballinacarrigy, Westmeasth and was baptised 6 June 1865. She emigrated to New York City around 1883, and married David William Stanton around 1891. She died 8 March 1942 in the Bronx, New York. 

Attachment Size
Crinigan Anne BC.jpg (1.82 MB) 1.82 MB
Crinigan, Anne Birth Record.pdf (204.2 KB) 204.2 KB
Crinigan Anne DC.jpg (1.81 MB) 1.81 MB
Additional Information
Date of Birth 4th Jun 1865
Date of Death 8th Mar 1942

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