Archibald moore or Muir 1803

Archibald moore or Muir 1803

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Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

Archibald Moore married Margret Lennox. I would like to find their marriage details. They had the following children:
John born c1826 married 1st wife Elizabeth Lennox 29 November 1845 Ardtrea. John married second wife Mary Campbell Fisher 31 December 1867 Sorn Ayrshire Scotland.
Possibly James 1832, or James c 1834 possibly married Elizabeth Hutchison (looking for this marriage)and had children Henry born 1854,Archibald 1856, Elizabeth 1858,James 1861/1862.
James Born either 1832 or 1834 married Elizabeth Purvis 7 February 1852 Ardtrea Tyrone County Tyrone Ireland he died 2 July 1899 Sorn Ayrshire. Children John born 1862/63 Ireland, Esther, Margaret, James, William and Sarah all born Sorn Ayrshire Scotland

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1803 (circa)

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