Bridget (Delia) Tormey 1880

Bridget (Delia) Tormey 1880

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

Her sister, Maria, arrived in New York with other family members prior to Bridget (who promptly went by Delia after arrival in NYC. All records in U.S. are under "Delia.") She arrived in 1900. She's on the 1900 census as a domestic servant, and by the 1905 New York State census, she's married to my great-grandfather (Patrick Flynn) and they have a child (Mary). They had eight children (including my paternal grandmother). Two children died prior to Delia's death; she died in 1930 of pulmonary tuberculosis.

I know very little of her. My father was born after her passing. I have no photos--if my grandmother had any, I don't know where they are.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 24th Apr 1880
Date of Death 16th Sep 1930

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