Bridget KANE 17841784

Bridget KANE 1784

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Place of migration
Migrated to /Born in Canada

Bridget Kane (daughter to unknown parents ) . She was born around 1784  in county Clare , Ireland.  She married Michael CLUIN a farmer  in clare Ireland . They had. 6 children -John, Hannah, Mary, Thomas, Margaret and Michael.  I believe that her husband Michael died and then she immigrated to Montreal Quebec, Canada. along with her 6 children. She died at  85 years old in Montreal Quebec, Canada.

I do not know anything about  the Cluin- Kane. family in county Clare ,Ireland. and wish  to find out more information about these irish  ancestors and their stories if they still survive.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1784 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1869


  • Hi:

    I wonder if Michael Cluin was Clune.  That was a well-known Clare surname.  Unfortunately, the late 1700s is too early for parish registers in County Clare.  However, if you have other information about the children's years of birth, that would be very helpful.  Let me know and I will see if I can help.  You should also check out the Clare Library website at this link:


    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Thursday 23rd July 2020 12:00PM
  •                     Thank you  for contacting me ... Yes. , I  agree that  the CLUIN  name  was originally CLUNE in Ireland  - but  my. grt grandfather  always insisted that CLUIN  be spelled this way  in Canada .

    Thank you for the link  I am searching through it now --alot to take in --unfortunately I do not  know any parish details --I have a fair amount of information  on  all the cluin children  -since they were all born in Canada . I also have some information on John Cluin brothers and  sisters who also immigrated to Montreal Quebec, Canada .


    For example, Mary  Cluin  CLUNE  was married to  Robert Brady   in Ireland -year unknown before 1844 - she had a stillborn baby in June of. 1844  in Canada -This is the first mention of the Cluin family in  Canada - 

    Ps  -- just interesting fact - John Cluin brother Michael Clune was married in Montreal  in 1859 to a Margaret RYAN (seems like her parents were from  Canada  and not Ireland )

      If you catch onto a thread  ---let me know I will surely start pulling ...

     I  would love  to find out  the  county clare side of. the story --to connect with the  canadian  side I had said  this tree branch  is dying  and I want to preserve  as much of  the CLUIN family as  possible so they will NOT be forgotten as time goes  by.

    CLUIN MCALEAR ancestors in Ireland

    Thursday 23rd July 2020 02:41PM

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