
Edmond (Edward) Francis McKenna (Kenna)1855

Edmond (Edward) Francis McKenna (Kenna) 1855

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EDMOND (EDWARD), MCKENNA was born in Ballyloughnane, Parish of Ogonnelloe, District of Scariff, Co Clare, Ireland and was baptised on 5 July 1855. He was the 3rd child of Michael McKenna and Anne St Laurence of Ballyloughnane, Ogonnelloe. He and his brothers James and Michael came to NZ and Edward and James arrived an d settled  in Patea, New Zealand in 1873.  Edward married Bridget (Agnes)Reynolds from Co Sligo in Patea, NZ, on 12 February 1895. They had ten children: Edward was for many years a valued official on the Patea Borough Council and hid brother James was twice Mayor of the town .

Edward died on 14 August 1926 and his obituary in the Patea Mail in 1926 reads: "We regret to have to record the death of still another of the rapidly diminishing band of pioneer settlers in this district in the person of Mr E. McKenna, who passed peacefully away at the local hospital on Friday. The deceased arrived in the district some 50 years ago, and was for many years a valued official of the Borough Council, having charge of the roads, streets and footpaths of the borough, relinquishing those duties a few years ago to enjoy a well earned rest. Possessed of an exceptionally happy temperament with a good word for everyone he naturally made for himself a host of friends, who will deeply regret his demise. One of nature's gentlemen, with a desire to help all with whom he came in contact, his death will leave a big gap in the ranks of the old settlers of the district. He is survived by Mrs McKenna and his family of 3 sons and 7 daughters, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy in their bereavement. The funeral took place at the local cemetery, a large number attending to pay their last respects to the deceased."

Edward is buried in the Patea Cemetery along with his wife Agnes, who died in 1945, a month after their youngest child John returned home from his World War II service..

Additional Information
Date of Birth 5th Jul 1855
Date of Death 13th Aug 1926


  • Very interesting article on Edmond McKenna, and I feel for sure he must be a family relation of some kind.  My family is from Ogonneloe Parish in County Clare as well.  My 3X great grandfather was Lot McKenna, and his wife was Mary Maguire.  His son, Thomas, and his wife Sarah, gave birth to my great grandmother Margaret (Maggie) McKenna, who came to the US around 1900.  It seems unlikely that we wouldn't be related - either way, he seems to have been a truly compassionate human being.

    Sue Kenney

    Sunday 13th January 2019 11:10PM
  • Hi Sue, thanks for getting in touch.


    Unfortunately I never knew my Grandfather Edmond McKenna (Known in NZ as Edward). He died in 1926 at 71 years of age. I wasborn in 1938, the eldest son of his youngest child John McKenna.


    In my research I have come across the name of Lot Kenna / Kinna in Ogannolloe. A Lot Kinna appears in two places in  the Tithe Applotment books


    I first came across Lot in the Griffith Valuation of Tenementss for the Townland of  Ballybroghan Ogonnelloe. (Our Thoas was in Ballylaghnane) and iin the Tithe Applotment books for Ogonnelloe - as Lot Kinna in Ballybroghan, Ogonnelloe and found another Lot Kinna in Ballylaghnane.


    Ballybroghan and Balllaghnane are next door to each other.


    I have been unable to find any other information on my Thomas. I do not know his birth (est 1795) or death dates or to whom we was married. We visited the area in 1997 and climbed the hills above Ogonnelloe village to whatt we called the Hill Cenmetery and found the graves of my great GF and great GM. We could not find a grave for Thomas. Many of the stones were unreadable. I do know that Thomas was my great grandfather Michael McKenna's father (Clare Heritage Centre helped me with this base don land lease ownership info.). 


    In my view we will be related, but its probably impossible to see how we are connected. Some years later a cousin visited Ireland and found a record of a a Lachlan Kenna being transplanted from Monoghan to Ogonnelloe in  about 1640, He may well have been the first of our ancestors in Ogonnelloe. If that is the case our connection goes back a long time



    Monday 14th January 2019 02:35AM
  • Hi Kevin,

    I had a similar experience when I went to Clare with my husband and my brother in August of 2016.  A very helpful man from Ogonelloe parish, Michael McNamara, helped us trace the family history a bit (we're from Bally Broghan) and took us to the cemetery you describe.  It was a bit of a climb in the middle of a large grassy, muddy, and hilly area, with scattered bunches of cows dotting the countryside.  I was surprised to see the small, stately little cemetery in the middle of all that lush greenery!  Michael even took us to the old family homestead, which I recognized from pictures that my grandmother had.  A Dutch gentleman had bought the property and was very gracious in permitting us to have a look.

    I have been told that Lot McKenna died at 102 years of age.  He was married to Mary Maguire.  They had 8 children, all born in Ballybrohan:  Ellen (4/8/1832); Mary 5/4/1834; Honora (31/3/1836); Bridget (22/6/1838) Judith (15/4/1841); Tom* my great-great grandfather (15/10/1843); Margaret (23/6/1848); and Patrick (26/3/1854).  Tom/Thomas McKenna married Sarah Cleary (Clery?).  They had 9 children, although I'm not sure all of them survived to adulthood.  At least one may have died as an infant, shich is why some have the same name. Sarah died of "malignant disease" (cancer) when she was 44 years old.  Among their children was my great grandmother, Maggie (Margaret) McKenna.  Here are those children's names and dates of birth, all born in Ballybrohan:  Mary (2/1/1868); Ellen (4/9/1869); John (27/2/1871); Mary* I think she was Margaret Mary, or Maggie, my grandmother's mother, (8/2/1873); Judy (11/2/1875);Tom (7/6/1877); Honora 7/6/1877)*twins!, and Honora 26/05/1880.  Five of these siblings came to the US around 1900, although not together.  I believe they came one at a time.

    I don't know that this helps at all, but suffice it to say, we seem to have a connection.  It's quite lovely to think that we may cast our filial line as far back to the 1600s in good old Ogonnelloe!  : )

    Kindest Regards,

    Sue Kenney

    Wednesday 16th January 2019 01:07AM
  • Thanks Sue. Hope I've got the format better this time.

    Yes - it was well worth climbing the hill to the cemetery, taking in the marvellous views to Loch Derg, and then finding the graves of my great grandparents Michael McKenna and Ann McKenna nee St Laurence. Their children were Thomas, 1848, Michael 1853, Edmond 1855, James 1857, Ellen 1858, Mary Anne 1860, Ellen (again) 1863, Denis 1865, Ann 1867 and Timothy1869. Dates came from the Church Baptismal records.  Thomas, the eldest son, inherited the farm, which also had great views to the Loch,  from Micharl and passed it on to his John. who passed it to his daughter Maura. The next three sons, Michael, Edmond and James all emigrated to New Zealand in about 1873. The farm remained in the family hands until 1997. The sale was completed the day we visited the farm and explored the old cottage my grandfather grew up in. . We called in at St Mary's church just up the road and was told by a man of the sae of the farm and that Maura and her hsuband John were were being farewelled that very evening at the Piper's Inn. So we went along and received an amazing reception when it became known who the two strangers in the pub were. A great night meeting many previously unknown relatives.

    Your Lot lived to a great age . His children were a generation earlier than my grandfather so Lot was contemporary with my great great grandfather Thomas . Who knows - they may have been brothers,

    I had had a DNA done by My Heritage. If you have ever had yours done then maybe we could find out if we are cousins

    Greetings and warm regards from New Zealand




    Tuesday 22nd January 2019 08:07PM
  • I don't know if this helps-

    Lot KENNA died 24 May Ballybrohan / male/ widower/ 81 years/ farmer/ old age/ Thomas KENNA present at death-…


    Leonie Low

    Leonie Low

    Sunday 27th January 2019 09:13PM
  • Hi Kevin and Leonie - 

    Well, it seems Lot Kenna of Ballybroghan did not live to as old an age as my grandmother had reported!  I believe the records Leonie found are definitely those of my 3X great-grandfather.  His son, Thomas, was the one who signed the death record.  He was just 81 when he died, not 102!

    Kevin, what a wonderful story you shared about being in the right place at the right time for Maura and John's farewell!  It must have been very exciting for you, and they must have been so very pleased!  You know, I did have my DNA tested, but it was with Family Tree DNA.  The Clare Roots Society had recommended that one becasue they have a database just for County Clare descendants.  It would be so interesting, though, to see how close our DNA really is.  I've had a few contacts from Family Tree, but no really close connections.  I suppose DNA companies don't share their results with each other.  I may have to do mine again, this time with My Heritage. It would be interesting, too, if your Edmond and my Thomas were brothers or cousins.  Let's hope more clues fall into place.  : )

    Leonie, thank you so much for providing another piece of the puzzle!  So very kind of you.

    All the Best, 

    Sue Kenney

    Sunday 27th January 2019 10:38PM
  • Thanks Sue and Leonie.

    Always good to get new facts. Have just had another look at the dates you had in your post. I see your great great Thomas was born 1843 - 12 years before my gandfather Edmond (Edward). Not too far apart. It is intriguing to think your Great great great Lot and my Great great Thomas could have been cousins or even brothers. If you fo get another DNA it could give us an inkling. Very hot here today (29 Celsius outsige) - we are picking up very hot air from the heat wave in Eastern Australia. Most Kiwis would say all you ever get from the Aussie is hot air  - haha.

    Best reagrds Kevin


    Monday 28th January 2019 01:31AM
  • Hi Sue

    Have been going through my files looking for some old emails from a Bryan Kinna in Australia, He had an ancestor from Ogonnelloe also. A Patrick Kinna. Unfortunately I hjaven't located the files yet. However I came across a photocopy of an 1832 parish list of what seems to be baprisms. On the list is a child Ellen  with the date of 4 Augusat. Parents being Lot Kenna and Mary Maguire  Sponsors being Thomas Toohey of Rahena and Bridget Bourke of Ballynrohan. If you do not thave this I can email the jpg to you.You can email me at



    Monday 28th January 2019 02:00AM
  • Some more infor I have


                Children of Michael Kenna & Ann St. Laurence are omitted, available elsewhere.

    Lot Kenna & Mary Maguire, Ballybrohan:

    4 Aug 32           Ellen

    5 Apr 34           Mary                 Dan Kenna, Ellen O'Brien - Ballybrohan

    31 Mar 36         Honora              Tom Kenna, Eliza Kenna - B'brohan

    22 Jun 38          Bridget              Dan Kenna, Sarah Maguire - B'brohan

    15 Apr 41          Judith                Michael Kenna - Ballyheefy, Judith Keefe - Belkelly

    15 Oct 43         Thomas             Thomas Maguire, Mrs. Kenna - B'brohan

    23 Jun 48          Margaret           Richard Poer - Belkelly, Ellen Mulcahy - Carribane

    26 Mar 53         Michael             Michael Kenna, Judith Crotty

    Edmund Kenna & Catherine Hogan, Ballybrohan

    6 May 32          Judith                Daniel Kenna, Bridget Kenna - Ballybrohan

    9 Mar 34           Margaret           Dominick Stuart, Eliza Gallagher - B'brohan

    Thomas Kenna & Bridget Hogan, Ballybrohan

    19 Jan 33          Edm'd               Pat Kenna, Mary Maguire - Ballybrohan

    24 Feb 35         Mary                 Js O'Brien, Cath. Kenna - B'brohan

    25 Mar 38         Thomas            E. Hogan, Judith Keefe - B'brohan

    2 Apr 43           John                 Jas. O'Brien - B'brohan, Cath. McNamara - B'loughnane

    Thomas Kenna & Honora Curley, Ballybrohan

    27 Jan 39          no name            --------, Mary Powell - Ballyloughnane

                as Thomas Kenna & Honora Crowley, Ballylougnane:

    19 Aug 41         Michael             Michael Kenna - Ballycougran, Mrs. Crowley - Ballyheefy

    12 Apr 44          Mary                 John Hara, Eliza Long - Ballybrohan

                as of Ballybrohan:

    8 Mar 48           Bridget              Denis Mac, Mary Nihil - B'loughnane

    John Kenna & Mary Moloney, Ballybrohan

    1 Mar 38           Catherine          Pat Kenna - B'brohan, Mary Molomey - Firpark

    25 May 42        John                 Pat Vaughan, Ellen Moloney - Ballybrohan

    23 Aug 44         Cornelius           ---------------, Margaret Moloney - Finlea

    John Kenna & Mary Kenna, Ballybrohan

    22 Apr 52          Mary                 Thos. McNamara, Winifred McNamara - B'brohan

    27 Apr 54          Bridget              John Salmon, Mary Salmon

    18 Sep 56         Michael             Denis Holloran, Marg't Holloran, Ballyhurly

    26 Dec 58         Daniel               Martin M'Kenna, Judith M'Kenna - B'brohan (parents also as M'Kenna)

    7 Apr 61           Mart                 ----------------, ---------------

    2 Apr 64           Judith                ----------------, ---------------

    28 Apr 66          Ellen                 ----------------, ---------------

    18 Aug 68         John                 ----------------, ---------------

    Michael Kenna, Mary Kenna, Ballyloughnane

    21 Mar 44         Anne                 Thomas Kenna, Ellen Kenna - Ballyloughnane

    27 Mar 45         Thomas Mat Keefe - B'heefy, Wnifred McNamara - B'loughnane

                as of Ballyheefy:

    8 Apr 47           Michael             M. Kenna, Brd't O'Brien - Ballyheefy

                as of Ballyloughnane again:

    2 Jan 49           Daniel               Michael Sullivan, Cath. Kenna - B'loughnane

                townlands unspecified:

    11 Apr 53          Patrick              Michael Kenna, Marg't Melody

    as of Belkelly:

    5 Jul 55             Ellen                 Thos Kenna, Bridget Cox - Belkelly

    7 Jun 57            John                 -----------, ----------

    20 Jun 58          Mary                 -----------, ----------

    22 Jun 61          Winifred                        -----------, ----------

    18 Oct 63         Thomas            -----------,-----------

    Michael Kenna & Ellen Hogan, Ballyloughnane

    5 Nov 68           Pat                   ----------------, ----------------

    Martin Kenna & Ann Haragon, Glen

    29 Apr 32          Ann                   James Kenna, Honora Bromahair - Glen

    Thomas Kenna & Bridget Curtin, Glen

    14 Dec 34         James              Maurice Dinan, Mary Curtn - Glen

    1 Dec 37           Margaret           ? Farrell, Ann Curtin - Glen

    Laurence Kenna & Bridget Dineen, Rahena

    20 Dec 32         John

    17 Apr 34          Mary                 Michael Dinan, Mary Cline - Rahena

    20 Jun 36          John                 Michael Murry, Bridget Bourke - Rahena

    Denis Kenna & Mary Hogan, Ballycougran

    20 Feb 36         Catherine          Pat Kenna, Genny Hogan - Ballybrohan

    17 Mar 38         Mary                 Robt Franklin - B'brohan, Marg't Holly - ?

    26 Jul 40           Margaret           Conner Kenna, Cath. Crotty - Ballycougran

    28 Aug 45         Jane                 Michael Corbet - B'cougran, Bridget Hogan - Bridgetown

    Michael Kenna & Honora McCormic, Ballycougran

    21 Mar 43         Lot                   John Beston, Marg't Kenna - Ballycougran

    19 Mar 45         Catherine          Stephen Beston, Anne Moloney - B'cougran

    Michael Kenna & Hannah Vaughan, Ballybran

    9 Apr 47           John                 Thady Moloney,  - Carribane, Judy Kiely - B'nagloca

    10 Aug 48         Anne                 P. Stritch - Carricore, Marg't Doosey - Glenfada

    1 Apr 52           Michael             Thos. Kenna, Mary Kelly - Ballybran

    Michael Kenna & Anne Moloney, ?

    11 Feb 53         Denis                Dennis Moloney, Hanora Keehan - ?

    Denis Kenna & Honora Moloney, Carmigar

    20 Nov 42         John                 Michael Moloney - Glen, Susan Kenna - Ballybran

    5 May 45          Pat                   Michael Kenna - B'brohan, Winifred Moloney - Glen

    4 Mar 48           Mat                  Mat Moloney, Cath. Moloney - Glen

                as Denis Kenna & Ann Moloney of Carhugar:

    19 Dec 54         Thomas            Robt Dowdal - Tumgraney, Anne Kern - Carhugar

    Cornelius Kenna & Honora Murray, Carowena

    22 Feb 47         Pat                   P. Kenna - Ballymalone, Catherine Murray


    Monday 28th January 2019 02:47AM
  • Hi Kevin - 

    Ah, very good!  Yes, I've visited New Zealand ( a number of years ago now - 17? 18?) and loved the gentle Kiwi sense of humor, characterized by lots of good natured ribbing!  One of my favorite comic actors is Rhys Darby.  : )

    Thanks so much for all that you've sent.  My uncle (same maternal family line, but has a different paternal line than my dad) is fascinated by all of this.  I looke up My Heritage, and it seems I can upload to their website the DNA test I've already taken.  My uncle has not been tested, so he would like to do that next time he visits (which will be next week).  I will try to upload the results I have (seems a little tricky), but if I cannot, I am willing to do the test again with My Heritage.  We'll figure out this connection yet!


    Sue Kenney

    Monday 28th January 2019 08:49PM

    Hi Sue & Kevin.

    I contacted Kevin about 20 years ago, when I first started researching my tree. I was convinced we were related because my GGF was Thomas McKenna from Belkelly b1866. We couldn't confirm any link.


    Later I found that my GGM (not related to Thomas) was Mary Sheridan, and her parents were Daniel Sheridan & Winifred Kenna.  I believe that Winifred was Lot (married to Mary Maguire) Kenna's sister! 

    I had my DNA tested on Ancestry about 5 years ago. Having read this page last week & your comments about My Heritage, I uploaded my results to My Heritage and yesterday saw my matches. Second in the list was Kevin :D 

    Finally, it's confirmed. It says he's my 1st cousin twice removed to 3rd cousin once removed. So I think it might be safe to say, you're related to Kevin, too, Sue :D





    Tuesday 2nd April 2019 08:27PM
  • Hi cousin Sue D
    Have just checked my DNA matches. A Sue showing as 1st cousin twice removed to 3rd cousin once removed has not popped up yet  I do have a Patrick Sheridan from Ireland as 1st cousin twice removed - 4th cousin..

    I'll keep watching for you to pop up.



    Tuesday 2nd April 2019 09:20PM
  • Hello!

    What a lovely message to receive! I had tried to upload my existing DNA sample to My Heritage some time ago, but it turned out to be a little problematic for me at the time (although I can't remember the nature of the problem now!).  Isn't it something?  We can cast our filial lines back in time and find we are connected through our family roots!  So, your great, great grandmother's maiden name was Winifred Kenna, right?  Wow - so Winifred would have been my great, great, great aunt.  That would make us - and Kevin! - some kind of cousins.  I'll have to try My Heritage again, or just get a new test done through them.  

    I also belong to the Clare Roots Society, although sadly, I cannot attend any of their meetings or excellent lectures because I live in the US.  Last week, Larry Parks (secretery of Clare Roots) sent out an invitation to a lecture on post famine Irish vernacular architecture.  I wouldn't know a thing about that, except he sent along a rendering of what the inside of one of these homes looked like.  As I mentioned in a previous post to Kevin, I had the opportunity to visit the old family homestead two summers ago.  I couldn't believe the similarities!  I tried to post the pointing here, but it wiped out my post and I had to sart over again.  Anyway, there was a rather large hearth in the small front room with a woodent table in front of it.  There was enough space inside the fireplace for a little seat, and in the painting, there's an old woman sitting, warming herself.  That's exactly how it must have been for Thomas Kenna and his sister when they were growing up, and later those of their offspring who got to stay in that home!  

    Thanks so much for the information - another piece of the puzzle!  You wouldn't know anything about who Lot and Winifred's parents were, or if they had any other siblings, would you?  That would be very interesting as well.  If you stumble across any more family info, please let me know.  Thanks so much for getting in touch.

    Kindest Regards,
    Cousin Sue

    Sue Kenney

    Tuesday 2nd April 2019 09:25PM
  • These are from the Thithe Appl;otment books at the Co Clare Library

    Kinna John Ballybran Ogonnelloe

    Kinna Lot Ballybrohan Ogonnelloe Commonage

    Kinna Lot  Ballybrohan Ogonnelloe

    Kinna Lot Ballyloughlane Ogonnelloe

    Kinna Pat Ballybrohan Ogonnelloe

    Kinnna Pat Ballybrohan Ogonnelloe

    KinnaThomas Ballyloughlane Ogonnelloe


    Wednesday 3rd April 2019 12:55AM
  • Thanks so much for sending this, Kevin.  You and I had another person respond to us that goes by the screen name Scariffied, who was kind enough to fill in a few more blanks.  Scariffied is related to you for sure, and more than likely, the three of us are cousins of some sort!  : )


    Sue Kenney

    Wednesday 3rd April 2019 01:15AM
  • Hi Sue

    Scariffied has popped up on my DNA matches and has mesaged me. Hopefully\ we may find the connection we all have and I will see how my GGGF Tomas connects.

    Cheers Kevin



    Wednesday 3rd April 2019 09:52PM
  • Excellent!  Very good, Kevin.  Talk to you soon.  : )


    Sue Kenney

    Wednesday 3rd April 2019 10:21PM
  • Hi Sue and Scariiffied

    I received an email from Mary (Scariffied) and was able to find some of our earlier emails.  We first connected in 2002. Going through them and keeping our DNA connection  in mind, I thiink maybe we all come from the same male Kenna/Kinna/McKenna ancestor - the father of Sue's Lot, Mary's Winifred and my Thomas.

    Will be great if you, Sue, can get your DNA uploaded to My Heritage, My sister had hers done by Ancestry. She sent me a zip file"dna-data-2019-03-29" and I was able to upload her DNA onto my My Heritage page. If you belong to My Heritage Sue you can probably upload OK.

    I expect you would show up similat to my result with Mary (Scariffied)

    Cheers, Kevin




    Saturday 6th April 2019 04:28AM
  • Hi Mary and Kevin,

    I was having some difficulty uploading my existing DNA results from Family Tree to the My Heritage website, so I bit the bullet and purchased a new kit.  It arrived this morning in the mail, and I will send it out in tomorrow's mail.  We should know by next month how closely we may be related.  It would be interesting to know where the children of Lot and Mary landed in this world!  ; )


    Sue Kenney

    Sunday 7th April 2019 12:26PM
  • Thanks Sue. Will be keeping an eye out for you to pop up.



    Monday 8th April 2019 01:21AM


    Hi Sue, what other DNA tests have you done before?




    Monday 8th April 2019 09:57AM
  • Hi Mary and Kevin, 

    Well, I just got my results from My Heritage DNA, and sadly it doesn't look like we're as related as we may have thought.  I didn't see either of you on the first 3 - 5 pages of relatives, but maybe you could check your accounts again to see if I show up for you.  It's strange, no?  With all three of us tied to the Kenna clan in Ogonelloe, you would think that there would be some DNA evidence of it!



    Sue Kenney

    Saturday 4th May 2019 05:53PM
  • Hello Sue. Unfortunately you have not popped up yet. But you may yet do so. I received a notification from My Heritage that my sonhad had DNA matched with me as my son. Hed had the rresults gimself a week or two earlier. Similar situation at a different time wih my granddaughter. So I'll leep looking. Kevin




    Saturday 4th May 2019 11:03PM
  • Hi Kevin - 

    Okay, let's see what happens.  In the meantime, I started building my family tree on My Heritage, and I got a couple of exact matches with my great grandmother's sisters' families (I guess that would be my great aunts' families!

    The one strange thing is that even though we show the same names and dates of birth for these people (maiden and married names too), my records show everyone born/baptized in Ballybrohan, whereas theirs shows Annacarriga.  Is that explainable somehow?


    Sue Kenney

    Sunday 5th May 2019 12:27AM
  • Hi Sue . I wonder if the church was in Ballybrohan, whilst they resided in Annacarriga. - or vice versa. Kevin


    Sunday 5th May 2019 03:21AM
  • Hi Kevin ,

    Right - I was wondering the same thing.  I looked it up on the map - It's only six minutes by car from Annacarriga to Ogonneloe Parish.  I know they most likely traveled by foot or by horse, but still, it's not that far.  Sorry for the dealyed response - I accidentally responnded via email rather than this message board, and I just received a message saying I needed to use the message board.



    Sue Kenney

    Tuesday 7th May 2019 03:53PM

Some communities associated with this ancestor

Some ancestors associated with these communities

Some buildings associated with these communities