Edward Flannery 1804

Edward Flannery 1804

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Edward Flannery, born est. 1804; married Mary Guiney circa 1830. Resided at Clonoura, Fennor Parish. They had Judy (1832), John (1840), James (1843) and Ellen (1846); possibly others unrecorded. He died before 1850, as in the Griffith's Valuation of that year for Clonoura his wife Mary is recorded as "Widow Flannery".

Widow and sons John and James emigrated to USA 1860s, settled in NYC, later in Brooklyn. No information on daughters Judy and Ellen as I do not have their married names.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1804 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1850 (circa)

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