
Elizabeth Dagnan 18301830

Elizabeth Dagnan 1830

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Elizabeth Dagnan married Michael Carroll who was also from Tibohine, County Roscommon, Ireland.  The couple married in Manchester, England. They had the following children: Michael 1851; Francis 1856; James 1858; William; MaryAnn; Joseph; Thomas.

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Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1830
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname)
Occupation The family was living at 1 Parker Court/Henry Street in 1861. Census. They probably worked in The Royal Mill since they lived in the Ancoats area. In the 1871 census the couple's place of birth is listed as C. Roscommon, Ireland.


  • James Dagnan was from Roscommon. His parents were John and Margaret Dagnan. James married Bridget Judge in 1852 at The Brooms RC church, Leadgate. England.

    James and Bridget lived at Wood Street, Shotley Bridge, Co Durham, England.

    Bridget's parents were Michael and Catherine Judge, nee Qiun, also from Ireland. They also moved to England and lived at Wood Street.

    They were married in 1831 at Kilmermoy, Mayo/ Sligo Ireland.


    Saturday 6th March 2021 09:57AM
  • Marie,

    Sorry it took me so long to respond.  Could James Dagnan be a brother of Elizabeth Dagnan from Roscommon?  I am going to follow that lead.  Michael Carroll and Elizabeth Dagnan lived in Manchester, but in the 1871 census, they were living at 207 Mary Street in Middlesborough, St. John Durham, England.  They moved back to Manchester and Michael was buried in Manchester.


    Monday 17th May 2021 09:37PM
  • Marie,

    Sorry it took me so long to respond.  Could James Dagnan be a brother of Elizabeth Dagnan from Roscommon?  I am going to follow that lead.  Michael Carroll and Elizabeth Dagnan lived in Manchester, but in the 1871 census, they were living at 207 Mary Street in Middlesborough, St. John Durham, England.  They moved back to Manchester and Michael was buried in Manchester.


    Monday 17th May 2021 09:46PM

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