
This is the 1901 Census Ireland VIEW SOURCE
This is the 1911 Census Ireland VIEW SOURCE
Elizabeth  King1864

Elizabeth King 1864

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Date of Birth 2nd Jun 1864 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 1st Aug 1928 VIEW SOURCE
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Father’s name listed as Patt King on birth registration (see attached above) and marriage registration for Elizabeth
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Mother’s name listed as Brigit Keogh/Kough on birth registration (see attached above)
Place & Date of Marriage Married on 3 May 1877 in Laragh, Cavan per source. Fathers listed as Philip Smith and Patt King - both farmers.
Names of Children Mary, Patrick, Philip, Francis, Charles, Elizabeth, Rose Ann, Francis (first one died), Marianne, Susan, Catherine, Michael and Margaret.
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