Ellen   Smyth1861

Ellen Smyth 1861

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I have been unable to find the baptism record for my great grandmother, Ellen Smyth, born in Cavan around 1861. I also cannot find her brother's record, Owen Smyth, born in Cavan around 1858.  Their parents were James Smyth and Mary Monahan. I have searched consistently but can't find the information. Both came to the United Staes in the 1880's I think. I don't have access to roots. Just wondering if any one can find them on a non-Ancestry site.  She married Martin Bergin. I think bathe marriagemoccurred in New York City but I cannot find a record of it.



Thanks, Eileen Aird







Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1861
Date of Death 1st Jan 1919
Townland born Cavan
Father (First Name/s and Surname) James Smyth
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Mary Monahan

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