Ellie was the 7th and youngest of the Donoghue Family. She mainly lived at home except for a short stint  in London.

She nursed her mother  for 2 years and she passed away in 1937.

Ellie's father lived on for another 7 years and she also minded him.

She married my father Jeremiah O'Leary ion30th July 1949 and they had 4 children. She made sure that we all got a good education. She herself was quite intelligent and remembered most of what she learned  during her school days.She was great at baking, knitting,sewing and all types of house work.She loved travel and made many trips back and forth to England.She also visited Lourdes for her 80th birthday

She lived to age 90 and is buried with my father in the new cemetery in St. Finan's Bay, Co. Kerry.

She was the last of her family to die.Her obituary was in The Kerryman paper in 2005.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 4th Jan 1915 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 24th Jan 2005

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