Felix  O'Connor 1824

Felix O'Connor 1824

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in UK

Felix OConnor born Dublin circa 1824. Married Catherine McGee or McGuie in Dublin before relocating to Scotland

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1824 (circa)
Place of Death Stirlingshire, Scotland
Townland born Dublin
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Catherine McGee or McGuie


  • I dont know how to edit the short biography so i will do it this way. Felix was born late 1700s and married Catherine McGee or McGuie or possibly McGuire in Dublin. They had several children, one being Felix junior born around 1824. He is later found in Stirlingshire, Scotland and married a Mary Ferrier. They also had a large family and one of their sons, John Connor, I believe to be my great grandfather. However with families being repetitive naming their children I am looking to confirm I am following the correct line of descent. My great grandmother, Johns wife, is my stumbling block but if I can establish her positively then it will go a long way to confirming my Connor lineage. There are 2 distinct possibilities for marriage to John Connor (b 1855 m circa 1870) and they are Elizabeth Fowler and Jane Robinson (or Robertson).


    Sunday 26th September 2021 10:56PM

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