no Ferrigan name came up in the IRO website May year 2020.

We know Ferrigan persons were on the Griffiths near Newry clustered in the pocket near south county Down border and adjacent counties.

We also know Ferrigan were in county Tip in the mid 1800sm and emigrated from Cork.

Ferrigan can be found in Chester county PA, and adjacent zones. With some web references and obituary type items online refering to such.

Seeking others searching Ferrigan in Ireland, or above mentioned, and or Chester county PA area.




  • No idea how this site works,  I can not see who posted the comment on Ferrigan, and who wants to get in touch with others researching this name.

    If he or she can see me, then great.  I am also looking in to the Ferrigan family tree.  My great grandmother was Hannah Ferrigan, born and married in Cloghoge, near Newry, Co. Armagh (on border with Down).  Her father was Bernard Ferrigan and he married a Mary Rice.   Would very much like to be in touch with anyone who knows more about the Ferrigans in this part of Ireland.   David Alnwick,  (living in Co. Cavan, Ireland)

    David A.

    Saturday 7th November 2020 03:25PM

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