Francis Norris1690

Francis Norris 1690

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Francis Norris was one of my gx6 grandfathers (born c. 1690) about whom I next to nothing except that he had a son, the Rev Richard Norris D.D & presumably a daughter, my gx5 grandmother Margaret Norris.  (I have documents confirming that Margaret's brother was the Rev Richard Norris.)  

Margaret married Edward Tyrrell, gentleman, and they lived in Essex St, Dublin.

It's possible that Francis was a member of the clergy because when Richard entered Trinity College Dublin in 1737, he was classified as a Sizar (... the son of poor parents or frequently the clergy - Allumni Dublineses).  Richard was the Rector of St Peter's in Drogheda and this was where he died in 1789.  The entry in Allumni Dublineses gives his father's name as Francis.

There is a death for a Francis Norris at St Paul, Dublin in 1780 and it's possible that this could be 'my' Francis, but who knows!  Richard Norris's wife was Jane Coddington and it was through the help of a descendant of the Coddington family that I've only just become aware of the existence of Francis as an ancestor of mine and therefore I've only now begun to look for further information on him. The only document to be found so far is the record of Richard Norris's entry into Trinity College Dublin which confirms the name of his father as Francis.

So here lies yet another Irish brick wall!


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Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1690 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Aug 1780 (circa) VIEW SOURCE

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