Frederick (Farrdy) Gallacher

Frederick (Farrdy) Gallacher 1843

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Frederick Gallacher was my maternal great-grandfather. He was born in County Cork around 1843. His parents were Neil Gallacher and Ann Gallacher, née Boyle; but no other records of this family have yet been found.

Frederick, who was often recorded as “Farddy” Gallacher, was a Mason’s Labourer. At some time he migrated to Scotland. He married Rose Ann McMillan on 27th April 1869 in St Mary’s Catholic Chapel in Calton, in Glasgow; they lived in Glasgow for the rest of their lives. Frederick and Rose Ann had the following children: -

  • John Gallacher (1871-1925)
  • Ann Mason nee Gallacher (1872-1932)
  • Mary Gallacher (1874-1881)
  • Cornelius Gallacher (1876-1942)
  • Catherine Allen nee Gallacher (1879-1976). Catherine is my grandmother.

Frederick’s occupation was listed as Mason’s Labourer when he died on 31st December 1904, aged 61, at 3 William St Glasgow.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1843 (circa)
Date of Death 31st Dec 1904
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Neil Gallacher
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Ann Boyle
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Rose Ann McMillan/McMullan/McMullen/McMullin
Names of Children John Gallacher (1871-1925) Ann Mason nee Gallacher (1872-1932) Mary Gallacher (1874-1881) Cornelius Gallacher (1876-1942) Catherine Allen nee Gallacher (1879-1976).
Occupation Mason's Labourer
Place of Death 3 William St, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
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