Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in UK

I also know that Henry and his brother John attended the Fermanagh Charter School, (ie charity school), Henry was sponsored by the Venerable Archdeacon Russell, (who I think was from Limerick), his brother by the Bishop of Derry. They were listed as coming from 'Ardbraccan', a place in County Meath, so I assume the family had moved there by the late 1850s.

His family home in Wimbledon, Surrey, was also called 'Ardbraccan'.

In one UK census, he gives his place of birth as Queen's County, and in another as King's County.


Additional Information
Date of Birth 6th Apr 1846 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 10th Dec 1915
Father (First Name/s and Surname) John Rice
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Eliza
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Jane Carter
Place & Date of Baptism 26 April 1846 Aghancon, County Offaly.
Number of Children 3
Names of Children Lilian Jane 1871-1927 Ada Emily Violet 1872-1948, my grandmother. Grace Henrietta 1874-1878
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  • My Grandfather Jeremiah Ryan and his wife Teresa Roe lived in Coolderry. Jeremiah was born in Shinrone to Thomas and Anne Dunne who married Jan 29, 1876. Thomas has birth year of 1846. Thomas's father was James Ryan and Anne's Dunnes, father William Dunne. This is where I am stuck I need James Ryan's wife's name. I have DNA test A960797 but can not connect to the wife. I have a cousin surnamed Burns I think claims my Thomas was the son of James Ryan Bridget Burns. When I looked at the record there is a Thomas but a lot of the children's names are not in my Ryans family. We have no Bridgets in the Ryans from that period of history. Bridget is in the Roe family which came after the birth of Thomas.

    I have tried severalname to no avail. My Grandparents married in Dublin, Greatgrand in Aghocon . I think I found Willliam Dunne's wife as Margarget ut the James Ryan who would of been born around 1825 or prior is a mystery.  Thanks if anyone can help. Mary Martin.


    Sunday 16th June 2024 05:08PM

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