James E Conn1848

James E Conn 1848

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

Unknown exactly when he came to United States and also unknown if his family emigrated from Canada or came directly to United States. According to U.S. Census, he entered the country when he was either 4 or 7. First provable record is of him working as a farmhand in upstate New York when he was 17. At 19 he was working at another farm where he met his wife, the daughter of the German farmer. He built his own farm where he raised a large family. He was unique as an Irishman because he was an Anglican and had strong feelings about Catholics.

He told his family it didn't matter where you came from that you were an American. Consequently our family knows little of his Irish roots. He married a woman who was related to the Delano family. The Delano family is well known for their more famous members like US Presidents Ullysses S Grant and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Because of this connection, he and his wife were included in a compilation of Delano family members and his brith place was recorded.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 10th Oct 1848 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 24th Sep 1924 VIEW SOURCE
Occupation farmer

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