James Mathews 1835

James Mathews 1835

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Attachment Size
James Mathews obituary.pdf (150.41 KB) 150.41 KB
Marriage of James Mathews Elizabeth Kearney.pdf (812.31 KB) 812.31 KB
Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1835
Date of Death 20th Oct 1895


  • I would love to know if anyone has any photos that might include James Mathews.

    He was the doctor that lived in Main Street with his wife Lissie (Elizabeth nee Kearney) and children.

    James was also the doctor for the orphanage in Cavan, the children walked with his funeral prosession to the family grave in Lara. He also a commisioner.

    If anyone knows any more about him, or has any photos that might include him I would be so grateful.

    Thank you, Clare

    Sunday 27th August 2023 10:24AM

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