
Jeremiah "Jerry"  Carey1837

Jeremiah "Jerry" Carey 1837

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Born April 7th 1839 in Murroe and Boher to Martin Carey and Rebecca Blackwell . He was the brother of my GG Grandfather James Carey. He was one of 10 children Thomas,Mary,James,Bridget, John,Michael,Patrick, Margaret and Martin. The Carey's lived in the townland of Moher,near Murroe.  Jeremiah  married Mary Fogarty Feb 16th 1857 in Newport. They raised 10 chidren Martin,Matthew,Thomas ,John, Rebecca,Mary, Michael,Patrick,Thomas and James. The family lived in Gortnaskeha County Tipp near Newport for many years . Son John Carey came over to the US and lived in Queens.  Jeremiah died Sept 20th 1906 in Gortnaskeha.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Apr 1837
Date of Death 20th Sep 1906
Place of Death Gortnaskeha Newport County Tipperay
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Rebecca Blackwell
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Martin Carey

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