My grandfather, John Crotty, was born c1869, place of birth unknown, his father's name was David Crotty. As per 1901 & 1911 census he was working at the farm at Foxhall House in Colmanswell West owned by Thomas Connor. In 1929 he married my grandmother, Bridget McInerney, also of Colmanswell. They lived at Foxhall and had one son, John and three daughters, Catherine (called Kitty), Bridget and Ellen, my mother. All the children attended Colmanswell National School and Catherine went on to the convent school in Charleville. John died in 1946 and is buried in Colmanswell cemetery along with his mother Mary, died 1920, his wife Bridget who died in 1973. Catherine died in 2012 and my mother, Ellen died in 2018. Bridget is still with us.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1869 VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 21st Feb 1946

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