John  Greene1840

John Greene 1840

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John Greene marries Mary Maley in New Haven Connecticut 22 June 1862.  I know from death certificate that they came from "Clare".  I have no information about him prior to that marriage in Connecticut.  

Mary Maley may be the sister of William J. Maley, who married Margaret Cunningham and also lived in New Haven.  

Because of the common names it has been a challenge to sort out which Maleys and Greenes they may be from.  I have some weak leads to Tulla area, but no proof.

Their children's names were:  William J., Elizabeth (Lizzie), Frank P.. Mary Agnes, Agnes Theresa.

Best way to reach me:

Thank you,

Melody Masi


Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1840 (circa)
Date of Death 13th May 1890
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Mary Maley
Place & Date of Marriage New Haven Connecticut 22 June 1862
Names of Children William J., Elizabeth (Lizzie), Frank P.. Mary Agnes, Agnes Theresa

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