John  Manamly1863

John Manamly 1863

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in Australia

Born 1863, Fermanagh

Immigrated to Tasmania in 1885

Married Lousia Margaret Barrett in 1902

Died 21 Jun 1950 at Hobart, Tasmania

Possible parents: John McManamly and Jane Moffitt (married at Killisher, 1855) 

Possible siblings: William, Thomas & Richard.

1911 Census: There is a John Manamly, aged 80, widower, living at Florence Court, Fermanagh with son Richard aged 35

Any information gratefully received.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1863
Date of Death 1st Jun 1950
Townland born Fermanagh
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Lousia Margaret Barrett
Place & Date of Marriage in 1902
Place of Death Hobart, Tasmania
Father (First Name/s and Surname) John McManamly
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Jane Moffitt
Names of Siblings William, Thomas & Richard
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  • Brother William Manamly immigrated to South Australia in 1882. Married Mary Shannon in 1877 and had a large family.

    Parents confirmed as John & Jane (Moffitt), children are John, William, Richard, Thomas and Sarah Ann.

    Sarah Ann also immigrated to South Australia and by 1883, aged 16 was married in Mark Hushar (sic?).

    Maree Da Costa

    Saturday 25th February 2023 02:35AM

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