Place of migration
Migrated to /Born in Canada

In Canada, we know our ancestor as John McNeely and we know that his wife was Mary Sloane.  All of their children were born in Canada, the first one in April 1829.  Oral legend has it that they came from County Down.  However, we have located members of a Mcanally (Mcnully, Mcnally) family in Drummaul parish, county Antrim, that bear strangely familiar names to our ancestor's children.  John McNeely named his children, in order: Daniel, Mary, John, Catherine, James, Ann, Thomas and Francis.  Our examination of Drummaul parish records from 1825 to 1830 contain a few Daniels, a Catherine, a James,  a Thomas and a Francis either marrying or having children or being named in that period.  We also noticed a few Sloan women marrying in Drummaul parish.  The nucleus seems to be in Drumsough (Drimsoo) in the records.  Please contact me if you have any clues as to whether we have finally found the origins in Ireland of our Irish ancestors.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1799
Date of Death 12th May 1879

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