Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

John Ryan, born in Ireland (county unknown, possibly Tipperary) in 1843, emigrated to the U.S. (to Ohio) circa 1853, according to U.S. census reporting.  He married Mary Ready of County Mayo, in Dayton in January of 1868.  He became a City Marshal of Dayton, and died in 1878 (aged 34) of injuries sustained on duty as Marshal five years earlier.

Source of birth information:  U.S. Census records

Source of death information:  Dayton Daily Journal, 23 Feb 1878, v. XV, iss. 178 : pg. 1, col. 6 - Dayton Library Files Online

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1843 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Feb 1878

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