Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

The first record I've found of John Ryan and his wife Margaret Oates is the record of the baptism of their son Valentine Ryan in Templeorum parish, County, Kilkenny, on 6 May 1805. The baptismal record states that they were living at Loughreagh. Logriach is in Fiddown civil parish, the townland of Belline and Rogerstown, in present-day Piltown. The Tithe Applotment shows John Ryan in 1828 Tin the civil parish of Fiddown, in the listing of Danaher, Logriach, and Piltown, renting 1 rod 5 perches from the Earl of Bessborough. Templeorum (and Carrick-on-Suir) parish records show John Ryan and Margaret Oates having six children baptized between 1805 and 1815: Valentine, Judith, Patrick, a second Valentine, Mary, and Daniel. The baptistm of Patrick is recorded in Carrick-on-Suir and not Tempelorum parish in County Kilkenny. When the second Valentine was baptized on 3 October 1811, the baptismal record states that John Ryan and his family were living at Miltown in County, Kilkenny, and when Mary was baptized on 8 May 1814, the baptismal record says that they were at Harristown. They were back at Logriach when Daniel was baptized on 11 December 1815. It seems to me very likely that John Ryan rented land from the Ponsonby family of Bessborough house and that he and wife Margaret both did work for that family, work that may have caused John to move about to help build some of the Ponsonby villages like Harristown. 

I estimate John Ryan's birthdate as prior to 1785 on the basis of the birth of his first child, Valentine (the first of that name) in 1805.

Margaret Oates was the daughter of John Oates and Eleanor Thompson of Tybroughney/Tibberaghney, County Kilkenny.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1785 VIEW SOURCE

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