John  Wilson1817

John Wilson 1817

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in Australia

John Wilson (Blacksmith and Presbyterian) arrived in Australia in Feb 1855 (38yo) with his wife Ann (nee Gilmore/Gilman, also 38yo) aboard the vessel Samuel Boddington, departed Plymouth Oct 1854. He arrived with Son James (15) and daughters Eliza (13), Margaret (11), Mary (9) and Barbara (4). A son John died At Sea aged 18mon. Two further children were born in the colony - Sarah shortly after arrival in 1855 (Sydney) and Robert (my GGF) in 1857 (Wattle Flat, NSW). His wife Mary had a sister in the colony, a Mrs Gray living at Sofala. John died in 1891 and Ann in 1892.

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Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1817 (circa) VIEW SOURCE
Date of Death 4th May 1891
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Ann (nee Gilmore/Gilman, also 38yo)
Names of Children James (15) and daughters Eliza (13), Margaret (11), Mary (9), and Barbara (4)

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