Margaret   Agnes Cregg (or Craig) nee: Owens1856

Margaret Agnes Cregg (or Craig) nee: Owens 1856

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Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

I am seeking information that this individual was married to James Cregg (Craig) and that these two people are the parents of my grandmother, Catherine Agnes Cregg (Craig), born 1880 in or around Breedogue in County Roscommon.

I have hearsay evidence that James was born in Scotland. 

Eventually, I am also looking for information about the birth, marriage, and death of Margaret Agnes (Owens) Cregg and the birth and emigration (to the US) of Catherine.

Any help would be appreciated.

I did have a cousin (Mrs. Noone) living in Breedogue as late as 1999 on a lane numbered L 12138. I believe she is a descendant of one of Catherine's siblings. 

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1856 VIEW SOURCE
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) James Cregg (Craig)
Names of Children Catherine Agnes Cregg (Craig)

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