Margaret  Welsh

Margaret Welsh

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James Casey apparently married Margaret Welsh in Ireland, presumably County Roscommon, and had at least one child: Catherine Casey (my second great grandmother), born 1824. James Emigrated to the United States in 1839-40 or earlier. He had three children by a second wife, Mary Swift, born 1806 in Ireland: Dennis Casey, born 1840 in New York state, Anna Casey, born 1842, also in New York state, and Mary Casey, born 1846 in Wisconsin, probably Milwaukee or Waukesha County. I assume that Catherine Casey (1824) emigrated with her father James. In crossing the Atlantic, they may have been accompanied by Bernard Burke, Catherine Casey's husband (and my second-great grandfather)  in 1843 or earlier. Bernard and Catherine's first child (of 16), Margaret, was born in Wisconsin in December 1843. Oral family history has it that the Caseys and Bernard Burke came from County Roscommon( though my father thought it was County Clare). I have no proof that James Casey and Mary Swift emigrated together; they might have met on the ship or in New York.

Margaret Welsh is identified as Catherine Casey's mother in the latter's death record, Woodbury County, Iowa, 1910. James Casey is confirmed as Catherine Casey's father in his will, probated on December 3, 1860.

My primary objective is to discover the Roscommon Civil Parish and, possibly, the Townland from which James Casey, his first wife, Margaret Welsh, his daughter Catherine Casey, Bernard Burke (possibly), and Mary Swift (possibly) came from.

My thanks to anyone who can help.

Paul W. Burke

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