Mary Ann Murphy

Mary Ann Murphy 1833

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in UK

Below I have attached the marriage certificate for my Great Grand Parents who came to England as teenagers, like many others they settled in England married and had large families. I have been trying to find the Great Grand Mothers of both parties for a very long time but to no avail. I realise that both surnames are very common but maybe someone out there can help.

Attachment Size
George Hamilton & Mary Ann Murphy.jpg (817.86 KB) 817.86 KB
Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1833
Date of Death 1st Jan 1917


  • Below I have attached the marriage certificate for my Great Grand Parents who came to England as teenagers, like many others they settled in England married and had large families. I have been trying to find the Great Grand Mothers of both parties for a very long time but to no avail. I realise that both surnames are very common but maybe someone out there can help.Image removed.


    Sunday 30th October 2022 01:03PM

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