Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in UK

Mary ? Ryan (married name) had her children in Wexford; Married to James Ryan, children Bridget (1860), Thomas and Mary (twins) 1857 and John circa 1855.

Family left for England by 1880; worked at Trimdon Grange Colliery. John Ryan went to Ohio; Mary and Bridget married brothers Healy/Haley in Durham and rasied families there.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1816 (circa)


  • I find this intriguing because my GGgrandfather Andrew Redmond (born 1789 in Litter/Kilmuckridge, Ferns diocese, northern Cty Wexford) had 2 sisters: Mary Redmond b 1795 and Margaret Redmond b 1796, both also born in Litter. Andrew emigrated to Canada. I have no further information on the two sisters but would love to find some. The parents of Andrew, Mary, and Margaret were William (Guglielmus) and Hannah (unknown maiden name). Scattered through the family are the names Bridget, Thomas, Mary, and John, and a couple pairs of twins. Not a solid connection, but a possibility?

    One other thought: the lag between Mary and James' marriage in 1816 and first child in 1855 is significant...wonder if there was a previous husband and children?



    Thursday 8th August 2019 07:41PM

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