
Mary Gilmore1822

Mary Gilmore 1822

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Mary Gilmore was born somewhere in Co Down, somewhere around 1822.

On 15 Jul 1839, she was convicted at Down Assizes of vagrancy. Her punishment was 7 years in the colony of New South Wales.

She was transported to Australia from Kingstown, Dublin on 30 Apr 1840. The ship was the "Margaret (3)" which arrived at Port Jackson, Sydney, on 17 Aug 1840. Permission to marry another convict by the name of John hodges was granted at Bathurst, NSW on 24 Apr 1848, although records show they didn't marry until 17 Jan 1855. By this time they already had 5 of their children.

Mary died from Pleuritis on 22 Sep 1865 at a small village called Dunns Plains, near Bathurst, NSW.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1822 (circa)
Date of Death 22nd Sep 1865
Father (First Name/s and Surname) James Tallman
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Alice Gilmore
Townland born Possibly Killinchy 10 Jul 1822
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) John Hodges
Place & Date of Marriage Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia 17 Jan 1855
Number of Children 7
First Child John
Names of Children John, Henry, Lucy, James, Julia Anne, Mary Anne & Thomas Albert
Occupation Kitchen Maid
Place of Death Dunns Plains, Rockley, NSW, Australia
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  • I am a DNA match with descendants of Mary Gilmore on Ancestry. My great- great Grandmother Frances Russell whose father was John Russell was born in County Down in 1832 . In 1853 she was convicted at Maidstone for receiving financial gain through false pretences and was sentenced to 9 months imprisonment . On the day of her release from prison, a recruiter for servant girls from the Swan River Colony signed  Frances up to migrate to Western Australia on the bride ship Victory arriving in March of 1854. She married James Poole a Parkhurst Boy in June of 1854 . James was granted land at Toodyay where they built a home and raided sheep and pigs and planted grapes vines and produced Tawny Port. They had nine children  James died in  1896 Frances in 1914. He obituary stated she was a highly respected woman  with 82 living descendants .

    Sunday 28th October 2018 09:18PM

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