Mary Jane Moore 1843

Mary Jane Moore 1843

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in New Zealand

She married William George Naish on 8 March 1865 in Christchurch and they had five children together (one of whom was my 2nd GGF William Thomas Naish). After the death of her husband William George Naish in 1871, she married William McConnell in 1878 and they had three children together. She died on 31 August 1883 in Ellesmere, Canterbury, and was buried on 4 September 1883 in Addington Cemetery, Canterbury.

Her age at death was given as 36 years in the death registration, but her death notice says she was in her 42nd year. Her given age on immigration in 1862 was 18 years.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1843 (circa)
Date of Death 31st Aug 1883 VIEW SOURCE

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