
Mary Lucid, born between 1831 & 1837 (depending on which census or other source is used), in the area of Ballyheige, County Kerry.  At the time, that was part of the Causeway Parish.

A cousin (gread aunt/uncle?) of my grandmother (who was Mary Lucid McNichols granddaughter) visited Tralee & area in 1908 and REPORTED that Mary's father was Edmund Lucid and that there was a monument in Ballyheige where he is buried with his brothers.  The cousin said the information came from Michael Lucid of Tralee, who was Mary's first cousin.  When we were in Kerry last Septermber, I found the monument in the old Ballyheigue cemetary on the north side of town.  It reads "Erected by Edmund, David, Michael and John Lucitt for them and posterity, 1839’."  But I can find no corroborating evidence that any of these were actually Mary's father.  The closest match I can find is a Gerard Lucid and Joanna Moynihan of "Knockeentu" who were parents of a Mary Lucid born 30 Nov 1931.  So I have been unable to trace Mary Lucid in to Kerry successfull.

Mary emmigrated to the US around 1850 (according to census reports she gave in 1900), probably landing in New York City, and married John J McNichols, of County Mayo, in Syracuse, New York in the mid-1850's. They moved steadily westward to Wisconsin, Iowa and eventually settling in O'Neill, Nebraska. She died in O'Neill, Nebraska in 1908, leaving 13 children.  One of her grandsons, Steve McNichols, became governor of Colorado, while his brother William was mayor of Denver, Colorado, for a number of years, including while I was growing up.


-Bob Faulkner

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1833 (circa)
Date of Death 3rd Sep 1908 VIEW SOURCE
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) John J McNichols (aka Nicholson, McNicholas) of County Mayo, in New York state (Syracuse area) , about 1854
Names of Children John Patrick (1857-1930) Stephan F (1858-1930) James (1859-) Edward (1860-1888) Michael (1861-) Mary (1863-) Sarah (186 1887) Thomas (186 1903) Emma (1868-) William H (1873-) Margaret (1873-) David (1874-) Joseph (1875-)
Place of Death O'Neill, Nebraska


  • Hi, Bob.

    I too am looking for more family information on the McNichols', specifically Mary Lucid.  I saw the birth information:

    Name: Mary Lucid
    Baptism Date: 30 November 1831
    Baptism Place: Roman Catholic, Castleisland, Kerry, Ireland
    Father: Gerard Lucid
    Mother: Hannah Moynihan

    But, why are you saying "So I have been unable to trace Mary Lucid in to Kerry successfull" ?  Do you think the Mary Lucid of 1831 is the same person?  Women, especially back in the day, have been known to misremember their age.

    I was messaging your brother Tom in about this search.  Mary Lucid McNichols' is my great great grandmother.  Are you all related to her via Emma McNichols Haley or someone else?



    Monday 4th June 2018 08:59PM
  • Charlotte,

    I agree that this is the best guess so far, IN THE RECORDS.  The reason I hesitate is because a cousin (perhaps one generation removed) of my grandmother visted Ireland in 1908 and wrote down information about the Lucid's from Edmund Lucid of Tralee (b. 1844).  This document states that Mary's parents were Edmund Lucid (son of John, son of Edmund) and her mother's maiden name was Meehan and they had 5 children (John, Hanora, Johanna, Mary & Michael).  I have NOT been able to find a faimily in the records that is a good match to this.

    I do think it is entrely possible that Edmud Lucid of Tralee did not remember correctly, however, Mary was his 1st cousin, which would make Edmund & ?? Meehan his uncle & aunt.  It is also possible that the person who visited wrote down the information incorrectly or whoever typed it up later did not transcribe it correctly..  Even in the census records Mary Lucid's birth year varies from 1830 to 1836.

    We are related through John Patrick McNichols, son of John J McNichols and Mary Lucid.

    -Bob Faulkner

    Bob Faulkner

    Monday 4th June 2018 10:01PM

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