Place of migration
Migrated to /Born in Canada

My ancestor Mathew Cahill was born in Temple Michael (County of Longford) between 1793 and 1795.  He emigrated to St John's Newfoundland and was married to Mary madden in 1819.  She was born circa 1797 in  Carrick on Suir, County Tipperary, Ireland. The  Cahill family lived in Canada for several generations and eventually moved to Dixon Illinois USA .  Edward Cahill was born in St John's in 1845 and died in Dixon Illinois in1896.  His daughter (my grandmother) was born Mary Elizabeth Cahill on  March 27, 1876 and died on May 10, 1955. 
I'm trying to find information about Mathew Cahill - particularly what his life was like in Ireland and why he left Ireland and moved to Canada.  I've seen some suggestions that some people left Ireland around that time to seek a career in fishing. 
if anyone can shed any light on these questions I would appreciate it


Ted Smith

San Jose CA USA

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1793
Townland born Temple Michael (County of Longford)
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Mary madden
Place & Date of Marriage in 1819
Names of Children Mary Elizabeth Cahill

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