Michael  McGaughran 18831883

Michael McGaughran 1883

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Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

Michael McGaughran/McGauran/Magaghran was born in Foxfield Aug 17, 1883 and his birth was registered in Kilnaleck, Co Cavan. His parents were Peter McGaughran and Anne McCahill. He was a musician and local postman. He married Elizabeth Dinnegan of Longford in 1914, and they had 4 children - Mary Catherine (Mae,) Ann (Nan,) Michael, and John Francis (Frank.) Michael died Feb 12, 1949 in Omard. He and his wife (d 1963 in Foxfield) and his daughters are buried in the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Ballynarry. Nan died at age 10 in 1925, and Mae in 1974. His sister Kate married a man named Goldrick and stayed in Ireland, living in Kill. Brothers Peter and John stayed in Ireland until 1911. All other siblings left.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 17th Aug 1883
Date of Death 12th Feb 1949
Townland born Kilnaleck, Co Cavan
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Peter McGaughran
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) and Anne McCahill
Occupation musician and local postman
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Elizabeth Dinnegan
Place & Date of Marriage in 1914
Number of Children 4
Names of Children Mary Catherine (Mae,) Ann (Nan,) Michael, and John Francis (Frank.)
Place of Death in Omard
Names of Children Nan, Mae
Names of Siblings Kate, Peter and John
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  • Michael had several other siblings who left Ireland - Anna, Patrick, and Margaret - plus 2 I can't find in adulthood- Honora/Nora and Francis - and John and Mary Anne, who died in childhood.


    Monday 13th June 2022 04:03PM
  • Hi Judi I have McCaughans/McKaughans from the same area. Will have to check if there's a link.. 





    Tuesday 14th June 2022 09:07AM

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