Michael Welton

Michael Welton 1817

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

There is a Michael Welton listed in Griffiths Valuation (printed in 1851) in Clonakilty, Desert Parish, Townland and place name. There is a William Welton listed as well.

In the 1851 London Census, Michael Welton (b1785) and his wife Catherine(b1788) were listed with their daughter Mary(b1823) and her husband, their son Michael, Mary's brother John Welton(b1828) was also part of this household. All but Marys son Michael were born in Ireland. Baby Michael was born in London. We know this is the correct family as my cousin's line comes through Mary Welton.

I believe that Michael Welton and his wife Catherine are my 3x grandparents, and that they or their parents are listed in the Griffiths Valuation in 1851 in Clonakilty. Also listed in Griffiths Valuation, in Clonakilty are Maurice (twice), David and Mary Welton.

My 2x great grandfather Michael Welton and his brother William were also in London at this time. I did not find them in the census records.I do have copies of their marriage records in London, both listed their father as Michael Welton, a labourer. They sailed for New York, America in December 1852.
Michael and his wife settled in Maple Lake, Minnesota,USA, as did his brother William and his wife Julia. They raised large families and did well in America. Michael died in Maple Lake, Minnesota in 1895 and his brother William also died in Maple Lake Minnesota in 1900.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1817 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1895

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