Mortimer Ransford

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  • This is my great grandfather who died in 1906 at Killeenavera near Dromkeen, County Limerick. In 1901 census record he stated he was from County Tipperary and the only Rainsfords/Ransfords in Tipperary in the early 1800's were in Ballinahinch area so he must have been one of these. There is a headstone toPatrick Rainsford in Ballinahinch Cemetery.

    The Rainsfords of Ballinahinch and Murroe I have tracked back to Sir Marcus Rainsford who was Mayor of Dublin and his grandson lesed his St.James Brewery to Arthur Guinness in 1759 to start up the Guinness Brewery empire, Mortimer is buried in Dromkeen graveyard and I know the unmarked grave plot.

    Donie O Sullivan..

    Donie O Sullivan

    Thursday 3rd December 2020 09:34PM

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