Patrick Dempsey 17691769

Patrick Dempsey 1769

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Place of migration
Migrated to /Born in Canada

Patrick Dempsey born about 1769 , County Wexford, had a son William born about 1789.

William started the line of descendents In Herring Cove Nova Scotia Canada. From William came his son James. Then James Lawrence 1865 and his son Lorne Timothy in 1897.  From Lorne came my dad Brian Patrick. All desendants were born in Herring Cove.

I would like to know about Patrick who I have gotten back too if possible.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1769 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1769


  • I too have traced my ancestry to Patrick Dempsey. Via William, James, Edward Vincent, my grandfather James Ernest and my father Bernard Norbert. Unfortunately the trail stalls out at Patrick.

    Sunday 9th August 2020 10:35PM
  • Unfortunately I know very little about my father or his family. All of my ancestors I've traced through I've sent away DNA samples to 2 different companies and I look forward to the results.

    Sunday 9th August 2020 10:45PM
  • After two years of exhausting searches, I gave up trying to find records of Patrick Dempsey and his wife Bridget Sinnott (or Synott) William was my 4x Great Grandfather, James, my 3X, John Patrick my 2X and John my Grandfather.  I went through thousands of birth, marriage, death records that wee in Family Search to no avail.  I read that because The Church of Castle Ellis was a civic church that they did not keep records.  


    Monday 8th May 2023 01:50PM

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