Patrick Leonard 18701870

Patrick Leonard 1870

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Patrick Leonard was born in Barrack Hill County Cavam on 11/03/1870 his parents were Thomas Leonard 1852 - 1902 and Mary McGahern (McGarahan) married 21/02/1870. Patrick had 6 siblings 4 born in Cavan and the last 2 in Paisley Scotland. Francis 1872 - 1908, Bridget 1875 - 1948, Bernard 1878 - 1944, Thomas 1880 - 1941, Joseph 1882 - 1893 and Annie 1896 - 1893.

Any information would be great, thanks, David.


ps.....could they have been from a travelling community?

Additional Information
Date of Birth 11th Mar 1870
Date of Death 11th Nov 1961


  • Hello. I have Leonard family in Cavan.
    Have you taken a DNA test?


    Tuesday 10th August 2021 12:46AM
  • Hi, 

    Yes, I have taken a DNA Test, my maternal grandfather was Patrick Leonard and he was born at Barrack Hill now Wolfe Tone Street in Cavan.

    If this is common to you please get in touch.




    Monday 6th September 2021 08:26AM

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