Patrick McCaul (estimated born about 1820) is described by his migrant son John McCaul (born approx. 1844) as a carpenter of Cootehill, County Cavan. Patrick was married to Bridget O'Donoghue. A search by Cavan Research Centre has not found any record of Patrick and Bridget or of the Baptism of their son John. Griffith Valuation of the time shows Thomas McCaul as a tenant in nearby Townland of Cortober. John migrated to Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. There are no "Thomas" descendents in his family. The 1901 Census lists a family of a Patrick and Ellin McCaul, living in a house in Benwilt with children Bernard, Mary, Ellin, Terence and Kate which are more familiar amongst the Australian descendents. I met some very welcoming members of a McCaul family when visiting Cootehill in 2017, though we were not able to establish a link between the families.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1820 (circa)

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