Place of migration
Migrated to /Born in Canada

Parents: Joseph Barry and Mary Hood

Born abt 1810, lived in Mulrankin, in 1834 married Mary Furlong, born abt 1814. Left Ireland in 1853 on the ship Harmony and went to Ontario, Canada.

Richard died in 1866 in Usborn, Ontario Canada and Mary died shortly before they reached Canada

Children: John J Barry, born 1835, Joseph T Barry, born 1836, Margaret Barry, born 1839 and Anastasia Barry, born 1842

Richard had two brothers that also lived in Canada, Patrick Barry, born abt 1820 and William Barry, born abt 1822. Patrick married Ellen Furlong in 1845, born abt 1824

William Barry left Canada in 1867 and went to Livingston Co Missouri and then to Kansas City, Missouri USA


Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1810 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1866

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