Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

Robert Erwin Married to Letitia Marshall, Father of William Erwin Born April 22, 1863, who immigrated to US 1879 , also Father of Letita Erwin Gray. She married Wiliiam Gray 1883. Killymurris. Came to US 1883. William Erwin Married Louisa Dickey daughter or Robert Dickey 1883 in Lasalle County Illinois US. William Erwin Family and Robert Dickey Family joined Robert Dickey's Brother David Dickey where they lived in Belle Plaine Ia US. David Dickey married Jane Calderwood at Killymurris 1882 before coming to US

Additional Information
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Letitia Marshall
Names of Children William Erwin, Letita Erwin Gray

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