Rose Ann McMillan 1840

Rose Ann McMillan 1840

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Rose Ann McMillan was my maternal great-grandmother. She was born in County Down around 1840.

Rose Ann’s parents were Patrick McMillan, a Labourer (c.1802-1875) and Mary McMillan, née McCartney) c.1807-1877). Patrick’s parents in turn were James McMullin, Farmer, and Catherine McMullin née Milligan. Mary McMillan’s parents were Hugh McCartney, Farmer, and Susan McCartney, née Quin (“McMillan” was variously rendered as McMullin, McMullen, and McMullan).

Patrick and Mary McMillan migrated to Scotland in or before 1841, and lived in Glasgow for the rest of their lives.

Rose Ann McMillan married Frederick (“Farddy”) Gallacher on 27th April 1869 in St Mary’s Catholic Chapel in Calton, in Glasgow; they lived in Glasgow for the rest of their lives. Rose Ann and Frederick had the following children: -

  • John Gallacher (1871-1925)
  • Ann Mason nee Gallacher (1872-1932)
  • Mary Gallacher (1874-1881)
  • Cornelius Gallacher (1876-1942)
  • Catherine Allen nee Gallacher (1879-1976). Catherine is my grandmother.

Rose Ann died in Glasgow on 6th January 1921, aged 77, at 38 East Rose St (now Forbes St).

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1840 (circa)
Date of Death 6th Jan 1921
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Patrick McMillan (c.1802-1875)
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Mary McCartney (c.1807-1877)
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Frederick (Farddy) Gallacher
Names of Children John Gallacher (1871-1925) Ann Mason nee Gallacher (1872-1932) Mary Gallacher (1874-1881) Cornelius Gallacher (1876-1942) Catherine Allen nee Gallacher (1879-1976).
Place of Death 38 East Rose St (now Forbes St)
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