
Sarah Brady1834

Sarah Brady 1834

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  • SARAH BRADY - my great-grandmother
  • Born in County Fermanagh, circa 1834-35.
  • Parents were Julia and Patrick Brady.
  • Don't know the date she emigrated to the US.
  • Married Patrick Foster, my great-grandfather, presumably in Philadelphia (we don't have the date or a marriage record).
  • She had eight children - William, 1853; Robert, 1855; John, 1858; Sarah Jane, 1859; James, 1863; Kate, 1863; Joseph (my grandfather), 1875; Rose, 1876.
  • The family was living in Wareham, Massachusetts in 1856 and sometime thereafter returned to Philadelphia.
  • The family was associated with St. Bridget and St. Stephen Roman Catholic parishes in Philadelphia, where the children were baptized.
  • Sarah died on September 17, 1884, at the age of 52 of heart disease.
  • My sister, my cousin, and I plan to visit Ireland in September 2019 and would very much like to visit Sarah's and Patrick's birthplaces and/or meet any living relatives.
Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1834 (circa)
Date of Death 17th Sep 1884

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