Sarah Mahon 1810

Sarah Mahon 1810

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in Australia
Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1810 (circa)
Date of Death 1st Jan 1864
New Type Sarah Mahon was convicted in Dublin on July 2, 1840, for the assault and robbery of Ellen Corbett. She was sentenced to 7 years transportation and left Dublin on the Mary Anne III on November 27, 1840. Her convict record states that she was born in Kildare. In Tasmania (Van Diemens Land) she married William Burley in Hobart in 1844 and they had two children, Mathew and Sarah Ann.


  • Sarah Burley died on December 5, 1864 at Stanley, Tasmania.


    Saturday 1st June 2024 04:43AM

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